About Us

We could wax poetic for days about how we want to live and run our business, but others have said it better, so...

We get our name from a play on author Arthur C. Clark:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinquishable from magic. — Arthur C. Clark, 1973

We know you don't have time to understand how we do what we do, so we take our responsibility to do it correctly very seriously.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. — Carl Sagan, 1990
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. — Douglas Adams, 2002, more or less

We are always working to improve, our product and ourselves:

Remember that there is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. — W. L. Sheldon, 1897

This is what it's all about:

Happiness is having someone to lean on. — Charles M. Schulz, 1971

Credit Where Credit Is Due

We built this website and our business on the shoulders of others: